Kashmir, a fading vision

a poem by Rajdeep Gupta

Do you dream? Oh! Ya, I do?
What do you see in your dreams?
Oh! I see the beautiful paradise in earth-Kashmir.
Why do you give me a glance like that? What’s wrong with you?

Kashmir my dear is burning,
The terrorists have seized control,
Girls raped, child orphan, women widow
A sad story all in all.

Oh! My God, what the government did?
They are hushed up in silence,
Power hungers are tied up with Delhi,
The militants make a mockery of them all.

The Kashmir ghat lies with boats,
A few tourists to seen,
The tourism industry is scattered,
With hardly any youth in zeal.

Tell me the kids? Oh! It’s a new thing,
They call gun before maa.
With toys being AK-47,
Their small hands busy in touching bombs.

Kashmir never can come back,
The children engulfed by the storm,
Wake up! For the mother calls you,
Don’t make Kashmir-a fading vision.