
a poem by Partha Pratim Majumder

The fall of last star of the sky
Going to hell more or less
Was the day called yesterday
That ever did fail to say yes

The forest that was shrunk to shrubs
Yesteryear made it a bane-
Those years, the earth was cheated point blank
The mankind felt crestfallen

The water people will drink or swallow
Must be purest to be made tomorrow
The promises are resplendent ever
Either you pay or borrow!!!

The seal of reality regards the say
The intake of poison come what may-
Survival has only the fight all the way
That only broadens the life of today

The soul of time coins words
It is the time that is the bone and marrow
Name you a day or night
The cycle circles between happiness and sorrow!

Nestled in the man’s mind
Only animal that creates a machine to count the time
To make his story into history
And to rewrite his love sublime.