The poorest man on earth

a poem by Shah Pravinchandra Kasturchand

This is a crowd, congregation, party, meeting of the wealthiest people.
Some rank first from wealthiest among other wealthy of their people.
Some among them are some rank of wealthiest list of the whole world.
Newspapers, televisions recognize them wherever they are in the world.

They have trillions and billions and millions in their bank accounts,
In safe deposit vaults, in business assets, black unaccounted amounts.
People look at them with awe and they feel great, separate and unique.
They talk of their wealth, their money, their gold; call them dynamic.

I interviewed one of the greatest wealthiest wealthy multimillionaire;
And in reply to my questions, turned out the poorest amongst the poor.
I asked him I knew he had dollars, billions of them, spread earth over;
But did he have even one star, a moon beam or a sun ray in his treasure?