The Beautiful Present

a poem by Madhu Nambudiri

Oh, that elusive beautiful future,
How I wish it would happen,
How I wish I could make it happen.
My plans are so well laid out,
My supreme understanding has
Built the perfect plan, and my
Vanity tells me that there is
No variable left unconsidered.

I plan, I implement, I run hard
To make sure that my future happens.
I monitor, I follow up, I push
To make sure nothing goes wrong.
I will do these things for some more time
And stop once I attain the future
Oh I’m so sick of my present
If only my future comes fast.

I see my plans are awry
My vision keeps changing
And I find my supreme understanding
Has so many shortcomings
And every time I reach my future
I see another elusive beautiful future
Which I wish it would happen
Which I wish I could make it happen.

My son comes up to me one day,
And gives me his cherubic smile.
Surely he smiles at me everyday,
I live in the future and notice it not.
I look around and find the reality
Of my beautiful tangible present.
I realize the only way to live
Is to be alive to the present

I need no plans, need no monitoring,
Need no supreme understanding,
Need no follow-up, need not push
To live in the present.
I need to just be open and sensitive
To smell the fragrance of the flowers
To feel the prying wind in my hair,
To notice my son’s angelic smile.

I need no variables, need no running,
To live in the present.
I need to just be able to sense,
The joy of the staying put
The joy of watching the world go by,
The joy of my present relationships
The joy of my freedom from the
Beautiful vision of my elusive future.