
a poem by Ramachandran Nair R

Jackfruit is my favourite fruit and best friend,
As it brought me joy getting me back my sweet heart,
Lost in a previous life and gone unnoticed for many a lives;
Jackfruit I like the most, be it raw or ripe;
I love it never minding its rough surface and sticky gum;
I love it, long for it and desperately go after it.

Rare are jackfruits in Delhi markets,
On or off the season;
And, when it appears, it disappears very fast,
As jackfruits are sold as hot cakes, raw or ripe.

In a late night weekly market,
I found one jackfruit for a high price,
I loved to have it and had to give it up as cost was high,
Compelling me to forget about it and move on.

Walked a few meters and got tired,
Returned back to retire back at home,
When I found a lady carrying half of the jackfruit,
Announcing that she got it for a throw away price,
And other jackfruit lovers could go and have the other half;
I rushed and fetched the other half for a better price,
And gone back home much happier than ever before.

Back at home I started missing the other half of jackfruit,
And more the lady that carried it,
As if she was my sweet heart of a previous life,
Whom I missed on the way for many a lives.

I craved to see her and cried for her,
Never knowing where she lived,
And how to find her again.

No moment passed without her in my thoughts,
And each day passed as if long years,
Until destiny reached me to her once again,
To deliver a letter, playing the role of a letter delivery boy.

The moment we met, the eyes crossed each other fast,
And penetrated deep down in each other’s heart,
As if we were knowing each other and living together for many a lives;
Greeting each other two souls got blended fast inseparably one soul to soul ‘ONE’.

What a bliss! What a joy!! What a wonderful life to be together again!!!
A jackfruit tie up turned out to be an inseparable tie-up of two souls,
To live this life and the lives to come.

Alas! The moments short lived,
Fate once again took me fast back in the Arabian shore,
Guarded by the western ghats,
While she remained on river Yamuna banks,
Guarded by the Himalayan mountain heights.

When I sit alone on the rock on the sea beach,
With setting Sun and rising moon,
The stars start lining up one after the other on the sky,
Twinkling! twinkling!.twinkling!
While the sea waves lash and wash my feet,
Tears roll out of my eyes and get mixed with the sea water,
To be inseparably one soul to soul ‘ONE’.

Physical distance matters little,
As we are inseparably one soul to soul ‘ONE’.
What a wonderful jackfruit tie-up!
When shall we get re-united again?
Tell us sun, moon and stars,
Tell us sky, sea, rivers and mountains.
Don’t you feel sorry for us?