What a money power!

a poem by Ramachandran Nair R

Gone to seek justice,
Got in return gross injustice,
Gone to seek police protection,
Got removed even my protective clothes.

When there is none to police my safety,
When there is none to give me justice,
While there are only tortures and injustices,
Where shall I go for my safety and justice?

Go for money, is the answer of the day,
As money dethroned God and Governments,
Money! money! money is mantra and tantra of the day;
Alas! money provide protection, justice and what not;
Then, what harm if all go for making money and worshipping it?

Money now panacea for everyone and everything,
Liquid cash can do wonders what governments and courts cannot do,
Money can get one justice to injustices at lightning speed,
Fear not corruption as it is getting fast sanctified and glorified.

What a hell and Kaliyuga! a crazy few may tell,
Yet money is invaluable and all powerful today;
Who can take away the right and power of money,
When God Himself got dethroned by money?