I am here because…

a poem by Vikash

I see sixteen chairs,
Arranged in a full circle
With fifteen people seated awkwardly.
I make my way to the group,
A coffee cup in my hand,
And a stride revealing my discomfort.
I made it this far!

The meeting begins,
Everyone introduces themselves.
I am the newest member,
The one to conclude the introductions.
I rise up and look around,
Into the eyes that intensely understood me.

“Hi, I am Vikash.”
“Hello,” they reply.

“I am not here for me…
I am not here because I can’t deal with the
Death of my daughter.
Not because I woke up in a hospital last week.”
I took a deep breath
And gazed around searchingly.

“I am here because I have to be
You see, there are people who need me
And to be needed is what keeps me alive.
I am here for another reason”
I looked around again.
“I am an alcoholic.”