
a poem by Sreekanthkopuri

The board read:
“The visitors those who
come here to watch them
for the sake of pleasure
are punishable.”

An ugly spot on
the cheek of the charming city
abandoned and awaiting pity.

A big city was it beside the coast;
Where did I see the the traffic so vast,
It was a city in nature’s bosom at Bengal’s bay;
There a sane painter can at any cost be gay,
My mind urged last night to asylum tomorrow;
But not yet decided for there is all sorrow,
A guard I saw at its gate;
Who responded to receive me late,
He did suspect for I expressed innocence;
And he did say to go in is nonsense,
The asylum isn’t for entertainment;
But is sincerely for their improvement,
A kilometer separates their cells from the gate;
For it is no other than their fate,
With helpless thoughts starts their dawn;
With senseless doubts do they yawn,
Everyone is away and away from his home;
With no way to go away to roam,
They eat but after many hours;
When the nurses approach to them mentally nears,
To their past senses they could hardly come back;
As their mental condition is on the wrong track,
They knew not the sense of homesick(ness);
For their brain matter is so weak,
So alarmingly did I waver in that mad world ;
And for many days my mind was haunted by the sad world,
I saw there men of all ages;
Many with long beards unshaved like sages,
Their grace in their faces is faded;
The furrows under their eyes are shadowed,
God’s in his heaven
Millionaire’s in his bhavan
Madman’s but gloom-driven
All is wrong with this world.