The Beauty Lost

a poem by Mehrotra N K

In a full-moon wintry night
And moon’s misty light,
Full bloomed flowers waved and danced
But their beauty was over sight.
Albeit their scented fragrance
Was intoxicant and hypnotist.

Goddess Muse riding on gentle wind
Whispered in ears a love melody.

In silence of that starry sky,
Someone stealthily entered that night.
She was none but my blue eyed love
Like open sky far and wide.
She chained my eyes with silky palms.
She hugged me, she loved me
and left countless kisses,
those twinkling stars were witnesses.

I felt warmth of her fast breath
as if Lord Cupid blew his warm breeze
under cover of vapourous dew’s dream
enthralled with nature’s limitless bliss.

While Goddess Muse sung her own melody,
Nature was in tune of her own journey.
Snakes, owls, bats and other night inmates,
Crickets chirping, pewits twittering,
In all constant harmony,
Breaking silence of that vision illusionary.

On east horizon
Multicolor twilight was drawn,
Slowly vanishing as rising sun was on,
Under its canopy, golden light was drawn
With it, illusionary moon night vision gone.

I knew not when the day dawned.
All I saw, night’s full bloomed
flowers’ beauty gone.
All it’s petals scattered on green grassy turf,
sprouting buds ready to bloom a fresh.
Was it in last dark hours
dawns gold picking hours
that night’s full bloomed flower’s beauty gone?
Now fresh budding flowers of morn
will adorn Nature’s temple lawn.

Note :
Soul is immortal, it is cyclic.
Transmigration of soul from one body to another.
The beauty lost by night’s full bloomed flowers has adorned
sprouting buds of morn.
It differentiates illusory world from nature’s real journey.