a poem by Gummadapu Narasimha Rao

Candid posture unfolds marvellous deity
Lucid picture unfurls tremendous gaiety,
Placid nature shows fantastic personality
Limpid stature sights majestic credibility.

Decent thoughts thine scintillate nobility
Pleasant sights, fine illuminate fraternity,
Nascent twilights, lucid illustrate dignity
Stimulant delights thy reticulate serenity.

Mind thy invites harmonious aspirations
Soul sane solicits, generous motivations,
Heart pious prefers, potent magnanimity
Ambition thine ponders adroit creativity.

Salubrious nature thine attracts me more
Sagacious feature draws, mine sprit rare,
Stupendous qualities admire, men noble
Sumptuous habits, admonish pals gentle.

Melodious tone thy, tunes as bard’s harp
Hilarious heart mine, responds too sharp,
Rhythms thine, replica of peacock dance
Glances mine enjoy feast of thy elegance.

Moments thy are confined and restricted
Thoughts akin kept us friends captivated,
Reposing faith, thou narrated petty story
Hearing the tale it is my duty bless blithe.

Looks our ardent, exchange secret lyrics
Veils shy speak not inner core phonetics,
Quest eyes to mutual exchange of sights
Let us live as pals till lore fills the hearts.