The Silent Mind

a poem by Remadevi G

The silent mind searches around the web
For all reasons and reasoning
Reacts on all reality concern
Resists injustice soulfully
Recites self-soundless thoughts
Realizes- the world punish words come out.

Silent mind watches the cruelties
Pride and merciless power-
Drawing line of limits for lives
Silent mind cries without tears
For the fates lead to servitude
Weep without sighs for forced sacrifice.

Silent mind fly through windows of freedom
Back in second wind balancing emotions
Set conscience receptive to all good faith
Ready to endure setbacks for sincerity.

Silent mind visualize the eternal time
As a beautiful ship above calm blue sea
Move far slowly in cool breeze
Always in straight line without destination.

The silent mind incarnate all good spirits
Pour blessings on our beloved earth
Like the golden stellar sun rays
Light all the ways ahead…