Outburst against the outsider

a poem by Sayan Chaudhuri

Amidst the chaos and confusion
Amidst the inexplicable corruption
Stands a woman clad in a bright white dress
Speaking and making a lot of mess
Wanting to rule over an unknown land
Making the whole country sad (and mad)

Her broken speech is like a bloody knife
Ripping out the heart of a Country’s life
She has nothing to gain and nothing to lose
She has nowhere to search and nothing to choose
Then why is she here to rule the roost
When she doesn’t share the love, doesn’t have the roots

The world is sad in times of despair
When an explosion might turn into a tiny flare
When voices go unheard, when hearts weep silently
When the burden of life affects one greatly
So,we can only hope and work with passion
We can only love, which will save our nation.