
a poem by Rajah Iyer S

Enlightened are those!

I thought pain accompanies
Every event in your life
Be it birth, sickness, old age or death

The pain out of desire is more to contain
Hence burying that desire,
Which is killer the ultimate,
Enlightened will you be!

Right to believe in truth
Aims so high
Speeches that are right
Conduct that uphold the truth
Occupation for revelation of the supreme
Efforts that unveil that myopia
The thinking in goodness
Is a meditation of eight I prescribed!

Ashoka realised this on the corpses he walked!

Why then you cry now
For those who want to experiment on my
Sand made symbols!

The shells of fire
Can it knockdown my teachings!
Or can it transform the truth
That is unwritten but followed

The ugly mind that’s corrupt to cheat
The gullible in you
Will only take more of you to me!

The Omars are not sinned in their deeds
As a sand stone statue is temporary they show!
And their deed is right
In taking you all to the eternal truth!

It is a revelation to you all (Omars included)
That you who believe in me
Must at least now see
That Nirvana is a statues less state!