
a poem by Sudheendra Singh Chauhan

In the lap of the world,
the place of a stagnant quagmire
embellished with dead fantasies of exile buildings
awaits for a livening breeze.
Suddenly out of nowhere,
a fleet of vagabonds flies past the stagnant world,
leaving shadows and a glimpse of the vagabondism,
leaves traces to crush the endless hibernation.
Temptation shows it’s spell
and the age ancient creature livens up
to follow his own dead instincts
to get free from the stagnant arena.
The pillars of foundation fail to stop
the relived escape of the creature,
anxious to fly
to the place where his dreams flew
before he confined himself to solitude.
If only he could foresee
the nightmare dooms of his dreams,
should have stopped him from his own destruction.
The wings respond to follow him
on the trails of the flying vagabonds.

The shallow patience has stayed long enough,
still preserves the strength to get free.
He flies away, looking at the platform of his existence,
faces away to skies, to culminate his flight to liberty.
He escapes from the bruised world’s remains.

The stagnant world bears a crown
on the peaks of exile existence,
strong, as it has always been,
now starts trembling after loosing the shoulders
who made it stand high through the dust storms of eternity,
kept themselves hold still
all through the confined times.
Pillars to ornament, the wholeself round the times,
the creature turns around to say goodbye
to the left behinds,
lest he knows
about the nightmares forth to perish him.

Pillars loose the shoulders,
unable to stay intact,
not willing to let go the freedom,
crush themselves to capture the creature,
not because of the obvious,
but to the boundaries they confine.

The creature paces up to escape,
but fails to,
his own world perishes
and perishes him along too.
He falls!… falls to the real extinction.
The void he left,
holds no longer and collapses to the grounds.
The base, the shoulders, the life, the soul perishes,
despair makes the heart to flap the broken wings,
which would never fly again,
because they were to him
what he was to the world he left behind.
The crown collapses,
crushes the remains of the life beneath the wings,
same what happens to it.

And the whole world perishes in the name of liberty.
The vision of freedom culminates to the disaster.

Vagabonds leave behind the corpse of a fantasy.
The stone passage witnesses the dooms day.

The migration abandons the mutation.