Hopes’s Eternal

a poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

Pale apples, green bananas in a basket
On the kitchen table; a sun-ray came blessed
The fruit, the apples blushed and the bananas
Turned a healthy yellow.

A full ashtray, a blue lighter and a brown
Leather wallet – on the kitchen table too, ‘cause
I’m changing trousers – empty except for a driver’s
License and a picture of an old girlfriend.
She left many years ago, but I still keep it and
Show it to my mates in the bar when I’m pissed
And feeling maudlin.

A letter with foreign stamps, on the ditto table too,
I’ve guessed its content, but haven’t opened yet,
Dream that it might contain a cheque, big enough
To buy a bottle of red wine and a packet of fags.