Friends, Philosophers and Guides

a poem by Purushothama Rao R

(On the eve of teachers day – 5th September)

When I was a child and being taught at primary class
My teacher instructed me to recite mathematical tables
As it is from 2×1 to 100 x 100 and vice-versa
Which made us then to believe him as an insane personality

When we got into higher education in schools
The teachers made us to by heart hundreds of classic poems
And advised us to repeat the same year by year
To increase the number to thousands we treated them as insects

When we entered the collegiate precincts
The debates and elocution contests
Made us to face the competitions with courage
We were self confident then in all the strides thereafter

When we slowly admitted in to school of real life
The recital of maths tables and classic poems
Increased my caliber and capacity in retention of my memory
The debates and elocution improved my negotiating skills in occupation I served

I am now made up of many good deeds
All of them derived from my educational back ground
And I thank my teachers all of whom acted as my guides
And respectfully bow my head to their graciousness as a gift