
a poem by Christuraj Alex

When our flag on Red-fort flew first,
Elders felt no hunger or thirst;
They stood as sure as very hell,
That everything is going well!

They saw, thenceforth, like freedom plays,
This game got assumed many ways;
Leaders, like prophets, seemed so sure,
The gift of freedom to ensure!

Wheels, like bullock-carts, rolled on long,
Change, like tortoises, did prolong;
They felt as though in safer hands,
No fear of hard hooligan bands!

* * * * *

Do we see the same now, I doubt,
Here exist now much flood and drought;
Millions of poor, here, daily die,
No poor here! To the world, we lie…

Flag, each year, we hoist, as a rule,
I stand as a devoted fool;
Of all colors, saffron shines more,
Have other matters gone so sour?