Critical Race Theory

a poem by Christuraj Alex

God made human beings into man and woman
And adorned them – gems into a gorgeous garden;
Never coloring them into white, black, or brown
His image, he poured into them, in-mold golden…

Men, turning demons, formed casts, colors, and sects,
Filled the earth with injurious impurities;
Each looking another as suspicious objects,
Thus marring the beauty of God’s priorities…

Realizing – sin against each one – ugliest
Human beings need to remove the filth in them;
Outlooks on persons and events must be honest,
Each human as precious as the Kohinoor gem…

When the law and the legal system is racist,
Who would citizens ever approach for justice?
Having not condemned the legal system fascist,
Could the system not ever care for the rustics?

People who oppressed are uniquely qualified,
Speak on behalf of other oppressed of the group;
Victims of racism and cruelties that abide,
Need exclusive interference of legal troupe…

And thus, may inequalities be wiped away,
May everywhere human cause and humanism thrive!
Everything that hinders human growth may give way,
To love, fraternity, and liberty to live…