
a poem by Devika

This loom You set with the warp and woof
Of Life and Infinity,
Pray tell me where they meet-

Where are my choices when You have fixed
The stars that rule my fate?
Where is Your hand, invisible now,
Whose guidance I await?
I muddle through my daily chores,
Now certain, now unsure;
You smiling watch me wading through,
Unseeing of the shore.
How often have I raised my voice,
My eyes wet with prayer;
Searched my conscience and the skies,
You simply were not there!
I beg and plead and bribe You too;
Ashamed, my soul retreats,
And searches for the strength with which
Your justice to impeach.

But when You broke Your silence,
My soul stood up in awe,
Vulnerable, Your Majesty to greet-