As I lay dying

a poem by Nandini R

As I lay dying
in a soundless stupor,
my mind a whirlpool
of endless turmoil,
the cries of a babe
crept through slowly
through labyrinthine tunnel
of my tumultuous mind.

Out came I, startled
from this timeless stupor
the babe’s cry melting
the frigid heart, warm.
There as she lay,
the moon-faced babe,
her small pudgy legs
beating the dewy air
with feverish delight,
re-kindling within me
a long lost urge
to live life again.

The bright twinkling eyes
thirsty for new sights
filled me with sweet love
energy seeped in quick
through my lifeless legs.
Picking up the sweet babe, I
held her tight, breast of mine,
in fear-stricken possession
shielded her from the bloody
blood-suckers of the world.

With her along, I searched
for timeless oblivion.
Alas! The endless sea
welcomed us into her
warm depths forever
ultimate solace found,
ultimate peace assured,
sweet innocence preserved,
in time’s eternal depth.