For My Friend, Hemant

a poem by Maryse Saldanha

Life brings in with it many surprises.
While some leave you happy,
Others give pain.
But some leave you thinking and wondering long after…

We met because it was meant to be
We spoke then, how else could it be?
You were kind to me it wasn’t necessary
You helped me, because you chose to be

When we met I never thought friends we could be
We are far too different I’m sure you’d agree
Different we spoke, different we thought
Different yes, but indifferent you were not

Time went by, each other we got to know
One nasty being, one a good soul
I tirelessly cribbed, you patiently advised
I know you like to, but you gave me your time

Times running out, I want to bother you more
If I need advice now where do I go?
If you believe ‘out of sights out of mind’
I hope thru this to always play on your mind

I pray you find goodness in whatever you do
May true happiness be yours and sorrows flee from you
I want to thank you for all you’ve said and done
I wish you the best with loads of love