Rains! Rains!

a poem by Purushothama Rao R

A superpower that can’t handle rains?
Army pressed into action to plug Cauvery breaches
Rain fall recorded high in Bangalore

Rains! Rains!! shattering the sheets on earth
With heavy gales uprooting the tall trees making them dearth
Low lying areas inundated in floods of water
Depression all through the coast to feel in no way better

The debacle not confined to one country on globe
The so called super power shivering with Ritas and Wilmas ready to rob and robe
Thousands of humans loosing their lives
Collapsing of buildings make the position not allowing retrieves

Bundles of money unable to help in rescue operations
Herds of personnel unable to attend to the needy preparations
Vehicles break down in the slashes of rains in turbulations
Every body on flat road is afraid of drainage pot holes unknown to their attention

Rail lines washed way in innumerable places
Air flights stranded because of unfavourable traces
Mitigation technology and disaster management no where seen in needed places
Rains paralised very normal life in cities. In rural areas, cropping pattern displaces

Now shall we bid bye bye to the season of rains
To make our lives comfortable FROM all strains