O Nilachal Hills, Kamagiri Hills, Say You, Say You!

a poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

When was
When was the Kamakhya temple founded
O Nilachal, Nilachal, Kamagiri hills
Say, say you
When was
When was Kamakhya temple founded
Nilachal, Nilachal, Kamagiri, Kamagiri hills
How the daring sadhakas in the midst
Of the aboriginal tribesmen
O Nilachal, Nilachal, Kamagiri, Kamagiri hills
Witnessing the Brahmaputra flowing
Flowing by the adjacent temple area location!

How the Tantrik sect of Hinduism
How the image of Shiva turning the hills blue
And He carrying the corpse of Sati
How Ambuvaci festival
How the pain of Mother Earth
Where the Yoni of the Goddess
O Nilachal, Nilachal, Kamagiri, Kamagiri hills
How the Sbakti cult!