
a poem by Priyanka Sacha Majumdar

As I look out of my window
And stare blankly at the shining moon,
It brings back memories of those sunny days
When I was never alone.
Your bright light would guide me
And every step I’d take
Would draw me towards you.
But now, the love’s no more,
It had actually turned sour
Very long ago;
And I was unaware
That something so priceless and rare
Would die so fast.
Suddenly, I come back to reality
That although so much has changed,
Some things always remain the same.
For instance, both the sun and the moon
Still rise and set as they used to,
The days pass by,
The seasons change,
And, the fact,
That I’ve survived the pain of losing you,
Still remains.
So, I smile and look forward
To the endless possibilities
That life has to offer.
But sometimes, I wonder,
Whether people around me
Can see tears welling up within my heart
Whenever thoughts of you
Creep discreetly, into my mind.
My friends tell me,
That you were never true,
And that the biggest mistake I ever made,
Was to love you.
But I can’t do anything about that,
Because the past can never be undone,
And neither will it ever change.
But I certainly can stop history from repeating itself
By swearing, never to love again.