Imagining Lenon

a poem by Tagore Almeida

I’d like to believe that there is a heaven.
And I have that comfort, so I don’t have to try.
I feel there is hell below us, and that a good GOD lives above the sky.
But, I really do wish that all the people would live for today.

Yes John, why the f**k are there so many countries.
I wish we could just see this land as one, and it isn’t hard to do.
This world is evil and people cannot imagine there being ‘nothing to kill or die for’
I wish people had just faith, and like you said ‘and no religion, too’
How I wish John. Imagining all the people living life in peace.

I definitely do not think that you were a dreamer.
And for sure you were not the only one.
Don’t know about the rest, but I’m in, and I’ll pass on your hope
So that really the world will really be as one.

It’s such a shame, but will we ever be able to imagine no possessions?
I too wonder John. I wonder if we can.
Wouldn’t it be beautiful, when there’s no need for greed or hunger?
John look down from heaven and show us a brotherhood of man.
I’m remembering you John, and am really hoping and trying,
To imagine all us people sharing all the world.

Today, tomorrow and forever and ever.