
a poem by Ramesh Narasimhan

North North, South South;
One can feed the other’s mouth.
East East, West West;
Detente was the best.
Tension, tension, everywhere;
Peace in sight, nowhere.
Credit squeeze, trade barriers;
No ethics by news carriers.
Vested interests, arms sales;
Spies in the guise of nightingales.
Exploitation by powerful lobbies;
Nuclear tests, daily hobbies.
International bodies not effective;
Computer controls proving defective.
Religion, language, ‘isms’ dividing;
Degenerate mores, all-pervading.
News headlines, generally shocking;
Talks of unity, ironically mocking.
AIDS and cancer defying research;
Press can and does besmirch.
Cannibalism, a reality;
Power-mongers, a commonality.
Democracy in threat by terrorist action;
Politics promotes ideological faction.
Weapons of mass destruction await detonation;
And stockpiled arms, evade detection.
‘Nukes’ can kill mankind many times over;
Annihilation possible by any Power.
Humanity is in peril as never before;
If war comes, what a way to go!