A Fact of Life

a poem by Priyanka R

From the cradle to the grave,
Is a life cloaked in a shroud of mystery.
A world of innocence, beckons a newborn,
A carefree life, with just a few falls.
And then he is pushed into a new life,
One of jealousy and egoism,
Growing tall, head held high,
But losing virtues day after day.
His never ending desires,
Makes him mean and cold.
His thirst for domination,
Makes him forget dear ones.
Life isn’t a bed of roses,
At times there are attack of the blues,
And he realizes that blood is thicker than water.
But, alas! It is too late.
While lying on his death bed,
He confesses his deadly sins,
He pleads for forgiveness,
But still craves for immortality.