Do you feel

a poem by Suman Singh

Do you ever feel the need
to clasp the world
to your bosom
and squeeze out its misery,
drain it of its sorrows
and hold its tears at bay?

Do you ever feel the need
to stock up the world
with food;
to have an endless larder,
to satiate every hungry belly,
and eradicate poverty?

Do you ever feel the need
to cleanse the world
of disease and deformity;
to take a broom to the world
and sweep from it calamity,
to scatter away adversity?

Do you ever feel the need
to take the world by its shoulders
and shake from it insanity,
beat hatred out of it,
wrench from it all
cruelty and brutality?

Do you ever feel the need
to take a soap to the world,
to wash from it lies and corruption
murder and arson;
to rinse out envy
and wring from it indecency?

Do you ever feel the need
to kick some sense
into the world,
to crush to pulp the power game,
to stamp out wickedness and felony,
to smash to bits money?

Do you ever feel the need
to build a world of beauty,
of amity, equality and fraternity,
of honesty and dignity
forever till eternity.
Do you ever feel the need for a paradise?