Sigh of a Lost Soul

a poem by Joy Mary

When words are wasted
And thoughts are dying a slow death.
When dreams no longer flower,
When the embers of hopes of a dying life
Lie crackling for the last time,
In some cobwebbed corner of this mind.
When enthusiasm has lost its fizz.
When solitude no longer spells peace…
And crowds no longer beckon me…
When talents lie buried deep within me.
Unable to surface… unable to breathe…
Unable to suffuse life in me any longer.
Here I am… a wasted life in a living body.
Gnawing the last of my strengths
Sapping up the last of my hopes.
This is me… a far cry from the me I once was…
A tale that went wrong.
When fate and destiny double crossed me
And luck left me in the lurch.
I feel so hopeless…
In a situation that’s beyond me, beyond my all.
So upset
That I wish I could turn the clock back again.
And walk the miles my way.
Never letting fate meddle its way.
Today I have no longer the urge to go ahead.
I am like those last embers of wood crackling in a dying fire.
Hope has died…
And so have I.
The once radiant budding flower…
The flower that failed to bloom.