Do emotions have a flood-gate?

a poem by Sundar

Sometimes love and at times hate
Do emotions, if at all, have a flood-gate?

This misery filled life never seems perfect
Or, are my thoughts always Imperfect.

Breath, from last to next, I search in vain.
Death, even cannot isolate me from pain.
Regardless, which always, seems a gain
With me being(playing) the character ‘Main’.

They say,’Future is reproduction of the past’.
could my heart be mend at any cost.

Ship, I’m with sail and no mast
Feel, ‘I’m a columbus at last’.

Out on sea in search for land.
Fear I, to find dunes of sand.

Far away, I spot a light.
A signal to end my fight.
Up soars my heart with delight
Being expelled from my present plight.

Hey!! Is ‘SHE’ my lady with the lamp?!!!