
a poem by Rajdeep Gupta

As I reclined on the couch
my eyes go back to the memory lane
With sweet memories round the corner
creeping up now and again.

Memories both sad and happy
flashes with great vigour again.

There was my mother’s touch somewhere,
as she took me to the fairy’s world.

Oh, I could still hear the lullaby she sang,
perhaps she was calling me from the dark woods,
where she sometimes took me to a stroll.

Memories of fear of being caught
for escaping the class again,
and rebuked by my father for lying again.

I can never forget the day I saw her first,
she was in great spirits with me from the day first.
Memories of acute pain can I forget,
the tears of whole class
when we left the threshold of our school for the last time.

Memories of futile attempts
to fulfill my parent’s desire,
of becoming an Engineer or Doctor.
But I could never resist to be one.
I still hear the painful agony of my mother
as they announced my father’s decease.

The hardships that my mother bore
was breathtaking with a family of three.
Today when my mother is no more,
left behind is her memories.

Memories such as mine
are priceless
and are a poet’s jewel in the crown.