The Connection

a poem by Sravana Reddy

You’ve been talking to a stranger all day-
A/s/l probably wrong; it doesn’t matter.
22, female, Sydney. She was friendly,
And life is an ocean of ennui, and when you turn
Your face from the laptop and see the darkness,
The glare of the unforgiving screen is comfort.

Can you remember what you talked about…
Friends, boyfriends, family,
Or what you do when the night sets in on Friday
And the city lights are in your eyes.
And how you hate college and she hates her job,
None of it matters. Someone had the time to spare.
Three hours and a stranger – the world is a beautiful place.

What did you see when you left the chat-room…
Switch of the screen, shut off the glare. Unforgiving.
Crazy criss-cross wires and cables carry your dreams
To another dreamer. Connection break as you please,
After you’re satisfied.

That no matter how fast the world is turning,
How quick the tides are washing,
The attraction holds. Between mind and mind,
Soul and soul. Can you remember…
Literature and music, passion for art,
Why you believe in religion, where do you find
The invisible limits on your freedom.

An escape from life, but when life is an escape
From death, that is all you want.