Lilliputian Earth in Cyberspace

a poem by Remigius de Souza

The joker comes pushing in the ring
Riding a bicycle
And in no time loses his handle,
Bar and wheel.
A roar of applaud comes as
He continues to paddle
On a single wheel
To complete his circle.

The circus canopy turns dark.
Several stars blink.
While watching the joker’s feat
I tumble off the stands
On the planet Lilliputian Earth.
She has lost her north – south axle,
And east – west – east direction,
And lost her orbit in space.
She is spinning fast around herself
Anywhere in space
Among millions of twinkle twinkle stars.
And I am running for life
To save myself from a fall
In the space.

Surging waves, gushing fountains
Break at the shore-
Gates of virtual world.
A million tiny rainbows appear on
The bursting bubbles of surf
But none can hold one.
Run! Remi run! Put off the switches
Before your horses fall.