
a poem by Priya Mouli

A river,
is full of glimmer;
Created with His mirth,
the various torrents on their birth,
flowing down the valleys and leas:
Revealing tranquility and peace,
Are themselves manifestations splendid;
While behind a mound, it hid.

The river is a place of paradise,
putting many in a trance.
The silvery waters under the sun or rain,
soothes the pain,
and relieves the tense:
whilst strongly appealing to the sense.

Just the sight of this living liquid trickling down,
in the midst of a boisterous town,
gives us the utmost pleasure,
that would melt any other treasure.

During showers, it is filled to the very brim,
moving according to its own whim.
In the night, there are two skies, above and below:
the very trees and hills seem to bow.

The river, like a thousand lights lit,
is the most fit
gift from God, “the eternal lover”,
giving it the mesmerising power.

Such divine beauty,
that to appreciate is duty.
Come what may…
will my charm for you ever cease? Nay!