Rainbows and Magic

a poem by Suhas Chavan

Flecks of glassy colour imprinted
on a Maiden’s breast,
of Love and Kisses and Dreams galore;
of wanting her own
and surviving
her Destiny best,
Ah Indian woman, Sati herself
redeemed in the cauldrons of Yama’s Hell!
Green and Red the eternal Saubhagyavati,
Ochre, Ice and the fickle Violet,
Crimson and Yellow;
And White – her mood,
Her shadows reflect
The Mother, Sister honoured above Self,
The Wife, the Lover – Meera and Radha
The magic of Love,
the cradle of Compassion
clad in Blue of the
‘Teresa stare’
Ah Woman,
like those myriad Whirlpools of broken
cast your colours
in the Life of Infinity!!!