Paean to a Precious

a poem by Monika

They say you are brilliant, you are inimitable
You are all colours and yet you are none
You are harder than the thrust of the foe
Your shape is the shapeless form
Till your lover sharpens the rock that you are
In myriad forms of dimension that fancy dictates
And his fingers avidly create
Then someone possesses you for love or pride
Friend or foe, it makes no difference to you
You keep on shining, dazzling the eyes that behold
Never lessened, never, changing.

Scintilla, scintilla likes the stars forever
You are not a scaglida you are a gem
But when I see you as often I do
I wonder if you remember your nativity
A black mass lying in the cradle of mother earth
For eons and eons till a Prometheus release you
And makes you the brilliant, inimitable you and
Christens you the Diamond, eternity in shape, form and hue
Envy of all and possession of one
I am not rich, I am not poor and I possess you too
And I see you with my silent heart saying
You too need someone to bring your lustre fore
God never creates but as twins
Yours is light, the destroyer of darkness
Without it you are no more
You remain to me a mute vision of nature’s duality
And I love you for it all the more