Here comes the dawn

a poem by Maryse Saldanha

After the calm and peaceful night
Comes to us the blissful dawn

Gather all ye people, greet the morning sun
The life giving rays, the advent of love
Each day to us new horizons give
New hope, new love, another day to forgive
Look forth to the beauty all around
The air we breathe the morning sounds
The birds in the air, the leaves of the trees
Wild beasts in the forest, fishes in the pond so sweet

After the calm and peaceful night
Comes to us the hopeful dawn

The little girl across the street
With hopeful eyes
And a basket of flowers all greets
Her tattered clothes make her not less gay
She bids all with a smile
Whose lingering fragrance in all minds stay

After the calm and peaceful night
Comes to us the beautiful dawn

There is so much to give so much to do
Be ye at work or home spread some goodness true
A kind word, a heartfelt smile
Like the little girl on the street,
In need of much but so full of life

After the calm and peaceful night
Comes to us the fruitful dawn

Come let not this day go by like just another
Make it more meaningful and special
Give it your best and spare some time
To say a kind word or flash your million dollar smile
Let not his day go by without making it nice

After the calm and peaceful night
Here comes for us all a new dawn