
a poem by Sudeshna Kar Barua

Hickery Dickery Dock,
But the mouse won’t go up the clock.
Ask the fluffy Pussy Cat where he has been,
He’ll never go anywhere to see any queen.

The Black sheep’s bags of wool are still just the same,
But not one is for the master, not one for the dame.
Mary’s little lamb’s fleece is still as white as snow,
But everywhere that Mary goes the lamb will never go.

What is wrong, cried Betsy-May with a little tear,
Why do you my gentle friends scorn, frown and jeer?
Why is it that all of you are bent on breaking rules?
Is there a sudden strike in all your homes and schools?

No, said the cat and mouse, the lamb and the sheep,
We do not like you human beings who make each other weep,
We’ll serve you no further, will never again obey,
Till all of you can mend your ways and start right today.