Pretty Pipin…

a poem by Madhura Dabholkar

An old chap from college
I can’t believe we are still friends
though we always had a good time
I envied him for his little pet.

At home a glittering fish pot on his table
in it stayed his angelic gold fish
with pretty eyes Pipin looked at me
I gave her a flying kiss.

Special fish food was given to her
a darling she was at his home
like a princess she was treated
she was brought all the way from Rome.

Her golden scales shone at night
when she happily wiggled in her pot
I asked my friend to give her to me
he called me an idiot rot.

Soon was a big fight between us
I wanted Pipin to be mine
he said he would not give it to me
until I paid him a handsome price.

The deal was soon agreed by me
for a year I would complete his journals
also give him my lunch box
in return he would never ask for Pipin
but our friendship would always last.

Then Pipin was mine forever
a little darling she is to me
I knew she was not happy in the pot
so I released her in the sea.