Poems by
Rijoy Bhaumik

The Verse of Life

a poem by Rijoy Bhaumik

Am I or am I not,
The God that you so besought.
Am I that spark that spurs you on,
Or am I the one you wished begone.
Am I the inspiration of your life,
Or the instigation of all your strife.
You ask me my friend what is thy hate,
My answer is
It is life’s gate.

Do you or don’t you see,
Life is barren without your glee.
A smile is all we need to smear,
And show a frown is always near.
A tear always breaks a heart,
And with it many lives apart.
You question what is happiness,
I answer
Without it thy life’s a mess.

Will we or won’t we know,
The skies darken up to glow.
“Every cloud has a silver lining”,
In a mine a diamond is a-shining.
What I mean to say my dear,
Bravery will always come with fear.
Why are we afraid, you ask
I say
To hide behind Courage’s mask.

Are you or are you not,
The blossom that has failed to rot.
Are you my life, my love, my all,
Without you my heart will stall.
Are you the light that guides the dark,
The bird from within, my silver lark.
Finally you ask when does this end,
I smile and say
Love is life’s end.