Poems by
Rajdeep Gupta

Ode to a song!

a poem by Rajdeep Gupta

Well! listen the hush of the wind,
The gurgling of the river, the cries of the bird,
All singing the chorus of our friendship,
All singing the melody of a new beginning.

A journey of dosti is often embedded with love and grace,
Often coupled with an ipsy-tipsyy fight,
But then a friend such as near as you,
Can’t bear to say stern words,
All singing the chorus of our friendship,
All singing the melody of a new beginning.

We dated in the train hopefully with a promise to make,
Words untold, graced with beauty
Both compelled to usher a season of hope,
But then we could easily drift apart,
Hence we remember,
All singing the chorus of our friendship,
All singing the melody of a new beginning.

Ask me to tell you a story,
I’d speak thou as the character,
Begin thee and finish it in thy touch,
We both met and thou wasn’t same,
Hence we say,
All singing the chorus of our friendship,
All singing the melody of a new beginning.

I know this poem doesn’t make any sense,
nor it brings you to smile,
But i’d touch you and say-you’re mine
Hence we join hands and say
All singing the chorus of our friendship,
All singing the melody of a new beginning.