Poems by
Rajdeep Gupta

Tsunami Song

a poem by Rajdeep Gupta

It’s a pity, I can’t rejoice,
It’s a pity, I can’t laugh,
It’s with a heavy heart that I say
Welcome 2005- the year of hope.

An Xmas that was cut short by the gigantic Tsunami wave,
Affluent, needy, poverty stricken children,
Taken by the Greedy laws of Nature,
It came and made everyone lament,
Cries of sorrow spread from Sri Lanka to Thailand,
With India and Malaysia also under threat.
Hence, it’s a pity, I can’t rejoice,
It’s a pity, I can’t laugh,
It’s with a heavy heart that I say
Welcome 2005- the year of hope.

Lights flashed with wonder and amazement,
With thousands of helpless faces in tears,
Hands stretched for alms and food,
Alas! We could see the pains, and help little.
It’s a pity, I can’t rejoice,
It’s a pity, I can’t laugh,
It’s with a heavy heart that I say
Welcome 2005- the year of hope.

With Human rights activists, and scores of people
I set to help them with every possible manner,
Money poured with celebrities doing a world of good,
But, can you get the smile back- I Wonder

Oh God! Who made the sky and the laws of Nature,
What you got, in getting us to see the torments of Tsunami,
It’s a pity, I can’t rejoice,
It’s a pity, I can’t laugh,
It’s with a heavy heart that I say
Welcome 2005- the year of hope