Poems by
Chand Gopal

Bitter Truth

a poem by Chand Gopal

We are missing out on our cherished TRADITION
for we call ourselves the next generation
We are losing on our age old CUSTOMS
for we leave behind only its symptoms
We are forgetting our HERITAGE
for we only look at our wage
We are neglecting our old BELIEFS
for we want immediate reliefs
We are ignoring our age old MORALS
for we rely more on laurels
We are straying from our CULTURE
for we have our own paths to venture
We are running away from our VALUES
for we prefer the life’s little clues
We are shunning our good old PREDICTIONS
for we have our own addictions
We are hiding our EVOLUTION
for we want mere execution
We are changing our good old HABITS
for we believe in the fits.

Well is this change worth the deal??