Calender Queen

a poem by Purushothama Rao R

January the first in pages
Smells like a new born babe
Fresh and fragrant all through the month

February suffers
From severe chills of cough and cold

March marches ahead
With spring tune melodies ringing round

April fools the living beings
With environs start sweating and sulky

May may become sunny hot
Scorching winds weaving till mid night dreams

June drizzles and sprinkles
With early monsoon prides

July inundates canals and rivers
Quenching the thirst with year long thrifts

August poses independent looks
Sprinkling auguries good for health

Come September tunes octaves
To whispering winds

October opts for orderly fests
Pujas spreading in all the homes

November cracks for diwali posts
Celebrating the winning of deities over demons on earth

December celebrates Christmas eve
Uncle santa showering boons.