Tag Archives: rights


a poem by Fouqia .

I want to be careless
Worry less
Smudged in multiple blurred characters
Shaping myself in the ashes of life
I want to emancipate all the self created rules
And the historically abided laws
Live the missed dreams
Unknot the knots of life
Struggle out from the shackles of ‘must’
From the ties of irony, agony and fate
Manifest my inner peace

Breach the loaded do’s and don’ts
Yes, I want to be called a revolutionary
A fearless wind
An insane being
A societal bane
For once I would be out of their ‘Acceptance’
Self creating what is to be accepted
Not by them but by my own existence
For once I would live denied yet welcomed
If not today, in the coming years
Breaking open yet bridging gaps
Between human good and ‘Good’
To be a soulful, peaceful
Confident, sacred, free woman