The century gone by!

a poem by Bhavna Sahay

Standing on the threshold of a brand new century
We do cherish within us, a triumphant sense of victory
That’s so as there’s so much that we have accomplished
And because there’s little left to be accomplished
The Twentieth Century was quite a mixed bag
It received lots of bouquets as well as brickbats
It’s the year when broke out the two world wars
The lust of power and supremacy, that’s what for
But it is also the Century in which established was the UNO
It guided the nations in choosing the right path on which to go
Science and technology has gone through a lot of advancement
Which still in future years to achieve is our commitment
In this Century have people become still more civilized
To live without quarreling in harmony they tried
Now for the new Century we’ve set our aims and goals
And to achieve it, with sincerity we will play our roles
There won’t be a need for a Third World War- that’s assured
Since the wound of the previous World Wars are still not cured
In this new millennium, we promise to make India the best
To make its name shine amongst the darkness of the rest
May this century bring to our lives joy and light
Which makes the future of each individual happy and bright!