Would Wood Would

a poem by Mabel Annie Chacko

I would bring in some more wood,
If I could could could…
But my axe just got the axe,
And it is no good good good.
’cause its edge has lost its edge now,
On the wood wood wood…
And its cut won’t cut,
Not like it should should should.

Then I saw my little saw,
Up on the pile pile pile…
’twas already at the ready,
All the while while while…
I never used to use it,
’cause its not my style style style.
But I’ll go give it a go once,
For a trial trial trial.

So I sawed some with my saw,
Upon the stand stand stand…
And the bow began to bow then,
In my hand hand hand.
One big tooth was out of tooth,
It ground like sand sand sand…
But the rip could cut the rip,
Just like I planned planned planned.

So if you would cut some wood,
to light the fire fire fire…
Then you might apply some might,
And add some desire -sire -sire…
Don’t be left out in the cold with cold,
That’s dire dire dire…
If you see a saw then saw,
You’ll be inspired -pired -pired.