Towards optimism…

a poem by Mahendra

Life has a lot to teach us
If only we could learn
Each passing day a lesson
Each year the end of a term

It tells us in its myriad ways
That its a saga of good and bad
With the blessing of a radiant smile
There’s also a curse to be lonely and sad

It tells us that between cup and mouth
There always exists a distance
A mirage never quenches thirst
Despite all our efforts and persistence

It tells us in various manifestations
That we all are but a child of destiny
The locus of control is not in innersole
But in he who created life’s symphony

But then it shows with the dreary jungle
A narrow, vivacious stream
And then each nightmare we had seen
Becomes a beautiful lovely dream

A dream that promises success
After years of toil and labour
To keep our faith in God alive
Which had begun to waver