Munificent with Words

a poem by Nav Chandi

His generosity of thoughts and words;
His philanthropy through ideas of loving all human kind.
This munificent one who ponders…
searching for anyone he can help in a bind.

For him violence and brute force…
have been and always are a last resort.
His best weapon is rhetorical thought…
and it is any wrongdoer’s argument he does contort.

Using the diplomatic art of a statesman;
Using the devilish charm of a snake;
The munificent one best known as a thinker…
easily catching those who are genuine, and those on the take.

Relief from his lamentations and philosophical thoughts;
Contentment from the rhythm of most words;
Anger often fuels a mind towards evil doings…
while words provide potential to soar as high as the birds.

So, he wanders the earth a simple man, yet a hero…
providing insight to those ruled by discord.
Emphasizing that more battles were won with words…
than were ever won by a sword.