Give Peace a Chance

a poem by Brough Terry R

One’s rich, the other’s poor.
Is this a reason worth fighting for?
His skin is dark, but mine is light.
Does that give us a reason to fight?
This country is big, but that one’s small.
One just wants it’s share, the other wants it all.
Different religions are Tom and Matt.
Should they be fighting because of that?
A father teaches his son to hate.

Give peace a chance, it’s never too late.

One man tried to create peace between the loving impaired.
He said he’d carve a tunnel of hope through the mountain of despair.
And what ever happened to that peaceful guy?
A bullet was given him. It made him die.

Another man teaches his son,
That only a coward hides behind a gun.
Truer words could never be,
But why can’t the rest of us see?
We should love one another
And not shoot down our brother.